A few weeks ago I came across a poem on a CD about a person seeking God and struggling as we all do with our own human failings. I have taken this poem, originally in French, and translated it into English. I was deeply inspired by the simplicity and the honesty of the person’s conversation with God. I think that this “conversation” shows how we can simply accept God into our lives and be close to Him through our prayers. I was also very moved by the original conversation which is spoken in French by a bishop, Monseigneur Di Falco. If you want to listen to this in its original form, here is the website: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=G905Vib65KU&feature=player_detailpage
Enjoy the sounds of this beautiful language and the intensely spiritual prayer.
A Conversation with God
So God? Are you really in my life? How do you feel about me? Do you have enough space? Do I give you the attention you deserve? Often, I cannot deny it. I know that my minor concerns and I take up all the room. I live comfortably in my daily routine even to the point of forgetting that you are here with me. I must confess that in these moments of which I am not too proud, I prefer to ignore you and to pretend that I never knew you. Oh yes, I admit it! In these moments you really bother me. You can get in my way!
But what I worry about the most is when I doubt you and when I think that you are absent, silent. At those times I feel so alone. The emptiness actually makes me dizzy. I look for you everywhere and can’t find you. I call out to you and you do not answer. Oh, how painful and solitary are these times!
But strangely enough I do not actually regret these agonizing moments. On the contrary, once my pain has passed, I am doubly happy to find you again. I must say that it is at this time when I realize that you did not leave me. It is I who walked away from you. How wonderful when we find each other again, when you welcome me home. You do not expect a big apology or an explanation….just my returning to you, just my acceptance of you in my life. That is enough for you.
My God, I beg you to teach me to love myself as you alone know how to love me.
I am so happy when we can just chat together like old friends, like two people who love each other unconditionally and who share the same home. I feel so intensely this comfort that your presence brings me. Oh, how wonderful the power of prayer, the marvel of these intimate conversations. How magnificent the realization that I can turn to you and that you will always be with me. You will always have enough space in my life. You will always occupy the most important place.