Interfaith Service Planning Meeting
Several faith communities from the Saginaw area will come together the week of Thanksgiving to offer expressions of gratitude. This Interfaith Thanksgiving Service will include representatives from local Hindu, Muslim, Buddhist, Baha’i, and Christian congregations. At the time of this press release, organizers were seeking participation from additional groups, as well.
The service will take place on Sunday, November 19th at 4pm at St. John’s Episcopal Church, 123 N. Michigan Avenue in Saginaw. Admission to the event is free, but donations will be accepted on behalf of the East Side Soup Kitchen. Free parking is available on the streets surrounding St. John’s, in the city-owned lot next to St. John’s, as well as in the Court-Hamilton Parking Lot.
The Rev. Curt Norman, Rector of St. John’s, says “These interfaith partners feel strongly about the desire to model in Saginaw our unity in the midst of beautiful diversity. It’s all too easy to use differences as an excuse to keep our distance from one another. But we choose a path of respecting each other’s inherent dignity, a path common to each faith tradition.”
Faith expressions will range from song, to dance, to readings from sacred texts. A reception will follow in the St. John’s Community Room. All are invited to attend.