The Seeds of Spring Become the Growth of Summer

Isn’t it funny the way the life of the church often seems to run parallel to the patterns of the natural world around us? We’ve come through winter’s dormancy and the growth of spring and we are now in that season of summer. We are in that time when things planted are...

God Breathes Life

In the Biblical stories of creation from the book of Genesis, human beings become fully alive only when God breathes the breath of life into their nostrils. Later in Scripture, in the book of Acts, on the day of Pentecost, the scriptures say that God’s Holy Spirit...

A Stewardship Update

Curious to see how the 2014 budget is taking shape?  Wonder what that means for you?  Here are some highlights of the ministries supported by your giving last year! Staff Funding: This year St. John’s staff has been working to develop a new Sunday School program, the...

Stewardship 2012

This year, we at St. John’s have a special reason to be very proud of our vestry and parish finance team. These representatives and leaders of our parish have committed to accomplishing what our national leaders and politicians have been unwilling to do: to stop...