Vacation Bible School 2016

Known as Court House Square VBS, St. John’s came together with Holy Cross Lutheran Church and First Presbyterian Church for Vacation Bible School 2016. The theme was Egypt: Joseph’s Journey from Prison to Palace and anyone familiar with Joseph’s story (from the book...

Devoted To Fellowship

The church picnic is fellowship, right? The Detroit Zoo trip is definitely fellowship. Or is it? Either way, there is likely some extra church credit for participating, so let’s get going! As with most things we learn at church, fellowship has a deeper meaning...

Leaning Into Our Witness

As we near the end of our program year and begin the lengthy season of Pentecost, it can be tempting to want to take a break from the hustle of school, work, spring cleaning and even church. But in truth, we are just finishing a time of rest and celebration (Easter)...

Our Part in the Saginaw Miracle

Each year as we approach Thanksgiving and the holidays, I like to look back on the many blessings God has given us. St. John’s has the unique gift of being right in the heart of Old Town Saginaw. We are in the middle of the area where the “Saginaw Miracle” is taking...

A Solid Foundation

  A solid foundation: that is what I think Jesus was pointing to when he gave his disciples the parable of the wise person who built his house on the rock. The storms and floods came against that house and it did not collapse because it was built on the rock. The...

What is Pentecost, Anyway?

“When the day of Pentecost had come, they were all together in one place. And suddenly from heaven there came a sound like the rush of a violent wind, and it filled the entire house where they were sitting. Divided tongues, as of fire, appeared among them, and a...