This month I normally write something about gratitude and thanksgiving and those are always valuable things to reflect upon. This year, however, I have been thinking about the concept of truth. The pilgrims fled England and came to America because they were seeking to live according to their religious convictions. Thanksgiving was a time of thanks not only for food and material things but also for the pilgrims’ new-found freedom to follow the truth as they understood it. Even today our Prayer Book honors saints who had “special gifts of grace to understand and teach the truth as it is in Christ Jesus” (BCP p.249 Collect of a Teacher). I believe that this is our challenge and mission today in a world without many concrete truths, to remind people of the simple truths of God, revealed for all time in Christ Jesus: that God is love, that love wins and that we can all be eternally grateful to God for the good he has done for humanity. Let us be witnesses of God’s truth with grateful and humble hearts. In the Name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.