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News & Stories

The Home Stretch | Christmas Outreach Baskets 2014

We've been getting ready since November and now we're in the home stretch! Mark your calendars and plan to help pack our Christmas Outreach Baskets following each of the services on Sunday, December 21. We'll also need some volunteers to help load and unload baskets...

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2015 Stewardship Update

Our fall stewardship campaign is underway! This is the time of year when we take stock of our blessings and gifts and how we can give back to St. John's. We have many blessings for which to be thankful. Our rector has been with us three years and our average Sunday...

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2014 Christmas Outreach Basket Update

Here we are, in the "Advent" of our Christmas Outreach Basket project!  Five more Sunday's to collect the contents until our delivery day on Monday, December 15th! That is an exciting morning at Rosien Towers, for residents who are part of our church neighborhood....

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God is Love

This month I normally write something about gratitude and thanksgiving and those are always valuable things to reflect upon. This year, however, I have been thinking about the concept of truth. The pilgrims fled England and came to America because they were seeking to...

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2014 Outreach Basket Preview!

Planning is well underway and our contributions are vital for success! This year we are changing it a bit and spreading out our giving over the weeks leading up to our delivery date. Each week will be designated as a Giving Sunday for specific items needed for the...

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God’s Church & Community

This month St. John’s will celebrate the annual “feast day” of St. Francis of Assisi, one of the most well known and beloved saints of the Western Church. October 4th is his official day, but our Blessing of the Pets is usually on the Sunday closest to that date. St....

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