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News & Stories

A Requiem Mass: Connecting to our Past

On Thursday, November 1st,  at 7:30pm the choir and clergy of St. John’s will be offering a opportunity to worship according to the style of a Medieval Requiem Mass for All Saints’ and All Souls’ Day. These two church holidays developed in the Western Church in the...

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Our Ministry Grows with our Newly Ordained

St. John’s has been truly blessed to have two from our parish who have responded to God’s call to the Holy Orders of Priest and Deacon: The Rev. Pam Renna and Deacon Sharon Voelker! For each of them, the discernment process has been many years in the making.  Although...

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When the Church Comes to You

As Father Daniel said in a recent sermon, "St. John's is not a 'me' church." It is a church that reaches out to all people in the name of Jesus Christ. An excellent example of this statement is the active Eucharistic Visitor Ministry that is in place in our church. On...

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For His Sake

"FOR HIS SAKE - I am but one; But I am one. I cannot do everything but I can do something. What I can do, I ought to do. What I ought to do, By the grace of God I will do. Lord, what wilt thou have me do?" I ran into this saying from the literature of The Order of the...

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Worth a Thousand Words

Are you a skimmer?  I'm a skimmer.  To some extent I've become a product of my generation where cursing the web for specific information is where I do most of my reading.  Don't get me wrong!  I do nestle into old editions of the New Yorker, parenting books, and...

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The Lunch Bag Outreach Program Needs You!

One of the things that amazed me this summer was how many families I saw show up at our door for lunches. Mothers and fathers with four or five kids in tow, coming to get a peanut butter sandwich, crackers and juice from St. John's lunch bag program. This ministry is...

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