VestryWhat does it mean to be on the Vestry?
Being a vestry member is an important role in the Episcopal Church.  The vestry is an elected group of parish members who oversee the church and its operations.  These members are responsible for:

  • The maintenance of church property
  • Advocating for the church to guests and members
  • Overseeing the annual budget
  • Leading by example within the church by volunteering and attending worship services.

This seems like a big task and, in truth it is.  But vestry members are not expected to accept this responsibility alone.  The vestry at St. John’s consists of 9 members, of which only 3 are “new” at any given time.  Newly elected members will have guidance and mentor-ship while they take on their new leadership role.  Having a balanced and active vestry is critical to the health of St. John’s.  These leaders among us represent the voice of our membership. There is typically one meeting a month which is supplemented by committee meetings as necessary.

Who is Eligible to be a Vestry member? 
A member who is:

  • 16 or older
  • Attends worship regularly
  • Participates in ministry or formation opportunities
  • Is a good steward of time, talent and treasure
  • Not on or related to someone presently on the staff or vestry

If you would like to nominate someone to be on the vestry please submit the name to the parish office or fill in a form found in the community room and place it in the offering plate by Sunday, January 13th.