God Breathes Life

In the Biblical stories of creation from the book of Genesis, human beings become fully alive only when God breathes the breath of life into their nostrils. Later in Scripture, in the book of Acts, on the day of Pentecost, the scriptures say that God’s Holy Spirit...

Killing Jesus: A Backwards Way to Checkmate

Our highlighted question for Week 2 of the Lenten Book Club is: How are God’s ways of reigning and Caesar Augustus’ ways of reigning different? Here are my thoughts: Like many rulers throughout history, Caesar ruled by invoking fear in the people through violence. ...

Killing Jesus: Thinking Like a Wise Guy

Even if you haven’t gotten a chance to start reading Killing Jesus, this question from our first week’s discussion guide will still likely give you some great food for thought. Just to get a refresher on the details of the story, check out the first few...

New Year’s Resolutions: Be Blessed

Tonight’s the night.  Whether we stay home, party with friends, watch the ball drop in Time Square or head to bed early, at some point today we’re all going to ask ourselves: will next year be any different?  Many of us will make an effort to make our...

The Christian Environmentalist

The stereotype that in order to care for the earth you have to eat granola, wear dread-locks and participate in drum circles is a false dichotomy.  Although this type of “environmentalist” does exist, everyone, including the Christians of St. John’s, has the potential...

Start an Easter Family Tradition

  After 40 days of Lenten fasting, we get 50 days of Eastertide feast!  But how do we make joy and rebirth of the Easter season last when the chocolate bunnies and marshmallow chicks are eaten? Home Movies In the days of iPhones, Flip recorders and other digital...