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News & Stories

House Blessings Are About More Than Houses

During the season of Epiphany, Father Daniel and I had the honor of doing six house blessings for our parishioners. Truly, it was just as much a blessing for us as for the people and the homes involved.  We enjoyed being able to sit and chat before beginning the...

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Holy Week at St. John’s

Holy Week is the last week of Lent where, through special worship services, we walk with Jesus through His entrance into Jerusalem, the last supper, death and resurrection.  Yes, the walk is difficult.  Surely it is more of an emotional challenge than Christmas.  But...

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From Your Valentine

What’s so Saintly about St. Valentine?  As it gets closer, it’s common to hear people saying "Hallmark Holiday" or "Singles’ Awareness Day" and these statements are not without some truth.   It's easy to focus on commercial giving and over the top romantic gestures. ...

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Church App Review: The Lectionary

The lectionary.  It's that beautiful rubric of collects and scriptures that guide us through three years of Sunday services.  It's safe to say that most of us don't bother to think about the appointed scripture readings before we actually show up to church.  But do...

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A Conversation with God

A few weeks ago I came across a poem on a CD about a person seeking God and struggling as we all do with our own human failings.  I have taken this poem, originally in French, and translated it into English.  I was deeply inspired by the simplicity and the honesty of...

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The Vestry – Attending to the Business of the Church

What does it mean to be on the Vestry? Being a vestry member is an important role in the Episcopal Church.  The vestry is an elected group of parish members who oversee the church and its operations.  These members are responsible for: The maintenance of church...

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